You can accept payment from everywhere.

Simple and secure way to accept payment for your business.

Our Product

Payment Link

Accept online payments on any device or channel, regardless of your business model. Get paid instantly via payment link with 3 simple steps.


Generate a payment link with a specific amount.


Share the link via email, SMS, WhatsApp or more.

Get Paid

Receive payment from your customer instantly.


Power up your business

Multiple Payment Methods

We offer a full range of payment options for better customer experience.
Learn more >


Useful graphs and transaction summaries to help you track your sales with ease.


Auto-generated receipts will be sent to your customer upon successful payment to save you from hassle.

Auto Payment Reminder

Just sit back and relax. Let us remind your customer to make payment on your behalf.

Customisable Branding

You can add your own branding, such as a logo, company name, address, etc to payment forms and e-receipts.

Open APIs

Designed to fit your development resources, customisable needs, and speed of delivery.

Supported Payment Methods

Card acceptance:

E-Wallet acceptance:

Instalment acceptance:

Powered by:

Use Cases



Sit dapibus auctor


Sed efficitur faucibus

Web Development

Dapibus curabitur

UX/UI Design

Est mattis sit

Brand Identity

Lacus vel

Brand Identity

Sit dapibus auctor

Ready to get started? JustDuit!

Let’s work together to transform your business’s payment today!